Saturday, 5 March 2016

More ideas for radio features

Although the concept of the show will be "What makes Sunderland , Sunderland", there will be ten sections covering different aspects of the area , meaning that there will be space for a variety of smaller games, interviews and music.

Ideas for possible features on the "7 things that make Sunderland, Sunderland" show

-a quiz based upon a topic we are discussing
-an interview with someone from/linked to Sunderland
-A voxpop to gain opinions of the area of Sunderland

Upon researching what we could include , I came across two television segments , both of which are entertaining and involving.The idea for this particular feature is for a well known celebrity to impersonate another. It works well because it is often very funny and differs from the usual monotony of talk shows. There is an example of a the popular wheel of impressions segment on the Jimmy Fallon Show, that is interesting as it uses comedy to engage with audiences.

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