In the second week , I discovered how to interact with the equipment inside of a radio studio. I challenged myself by trying to converse with others on the microphones , and realised how to check my voice levels were not too quiet or too loud. I felt that by gaining practise with this studio, I was able to engage in a more practical section of the course, which helped me to gain experience rather than simply taking notes. Additionally, I was able to consolidate what I had been shown in the first session , now remembering how to transition from music to speech and back to music again with the dials. This variety of skills I had been shown made me able to adjust to any of the roles in the studio from presenting to producing to editing. I also gained information on the roles in the industry that this module opens up , as we ran through their importance to the medium's success.
Tour of the BBC Radio 1 Studio
This example of a real radio studio is similar to the
one I encountered and this video establishes this
busy working environment .
Mark Kermode reviews Creed
This BBC Radio 5 film programme gives us a glimpse of the radio studio and how radio can be used for conversation and review purposes rather than simply being a platform for music.
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